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The 23rd Annual Shrewsbury Renaissance Faire
- 5 Stranded Fairy Tails
- http://www.brendathebraider.com
- Accessories of Fae
- http://www.accessoriesoffae.com
- Age of Chivalry
- http://www.ageofchivalry.com
- Ageless Treasures
- Alchemy Design
- Amazing Maze of Amazement, The
- Black Dragon / Sapphire Dragon Merchants
- http://www.artmask.net
- Celtic Rabbit Soap
- Cloaked In Time
- http://https://www.facebook.com/cloakedintime/?fref=ts
- Coin Pouch, The
- http://www.quicksilvermint.com
- Costume Mistress, The
- D&D Chain Maille Creations
- Dark Age Leathers
- http://www.etsy.com/shop/DarkAgeLeathers
- Definitely Not the Bandits Lair -Now with Completely Le
- Dyer Magics
- http://www.etsy.com/shop/DyerMagics
- Frigga Green Needle
- Gia's Traditions
- http://Gias traditions on Etsy
- Green Dragonfly, The
- http://dragonfly1076@aol.com
- Grundoon's Shoppe of Baskets
- http://www.grundoons.com/
- Hattitude
- Hattitude
- Heraldry Darts, SRF Revelers
- Honeystone Candles
- http://www.honeystonecandles.com
- Lorilei Lagoon, The
- Make Mine Pottery
- http://www.makeminepottery.weebly.com
- Noteworthy/Smallharps.com
- http://www.smallharps.com
- Oran Mor Artisan Mead, LLC
- http://www.oranmormead.com
- Primal Dragons
- R.L. Tabor & Co.
- Raincoast Arts
- Rough Green Edges
- http://www.roughgreenedges.com
- Roving Horse Henna
- http://www.rovinghorse.com
- Ruby Moon
- Shadows of Amber
- Sher-Leas
- Silverthorn Leatherworks
- Simply Lampwork
- http://simplylampwork.com
- Stargazer's Gourmet
- http://stargazergourmet.com
- Starry Eyed Raven ,The
- StoneWolf Designs
- http://stonewolfdesigns.com
- Storm The Castle, SRF Revelers
- Ter Nempthe
- Tudor Rose Souvenirs, SRF
- Two Geminis
- African Delight
- Ali Baba's Tribal Treats
- Bedlam Bangers
- http://www.corvallisjaycees.org
- Friends of the Queen Wandering Water Cart
- Hightower Gaming LLC
- http://Facebook.com/hightowergamingcafe
- Kings Valley Foreign Language Tours
- Lady Tina's Thighs DBA: Terrell's Texas BBQ
- Lonely Pickle Pub
- http://www.shrewfaire.com
- Noodles Delight DBA Doug's Place, Inc
- http://www.dougscatering.com
- Staggering Oak Tavern, SRF
- http://www.shrewfaire.com
- Adria the Juggler
- http://www.adriathejuggler.com
- Cascade Mounted Warriors
- Figs & Thistles Recorder Ensemble
- Firelight Stories
- http://www.firelightstories.com
- Janet Naylor, Harper
- http://www.janetnaylor.com
- MarCher
- http://www.cheryljohnsonmusic.com
- Minstrel Darius
- http://https://www.facebook.com/pages/category/Musician/t
- No Parchment Needed
- http://www.facebook.com/NoParchmentNeeded
- Pearwood Pipers
- http://www.facebook.com/PearwoodPipers/
- Raks Sarif & Raks Zealots
- Rat Catchers, SRF
- http://www.facebook.com/TheRatCatchers
- Riona
- http://www.rionascaveoftreasures.com
- Salem Madrigal Singers
- http://www.facebook.com/Salem-Madrigal-Singers/2975
- Sherwood Renaissance Singers
- http://www.sherwood-singers.com
- Two Rivers Morris
- http://https://www.facebook.com/TwoRiversMorris http:/
- Bedlam Guild, SRF
- http://www.shrewfaire.com
- BOOM Privateers
- http://www.BOOMPrivateers.com
- Buttery in the Barley Mow, SRF
- Clan Cwn Annwn
- Greeters Guild, SRF
- Guilded Drake, SRF, The
- Mongers
- Muggers O' Bedlam, SRF
- Pictland
- http://https://www.facebook.com/groups/996846940380934/
- Revelers Guild, SRF
- SCA Demo Group
- http://SCA.org
- Shire Reaves, SRF
- Yr Gwyliad, SRF
- SRF Stage: Main Stage
- Benton County ARES
- Goldyn Gryfyn Fyne Goodes
- SRF Friar Tucks Green Room
- SRF Shade Cover 1 of 3
- SRF Shade Cover 2 of 3
- SRF Shade Cover 3 of 3
- SRF Stage: Lonely Pickle