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The 14th Annual Shrewsbury Renaissance Faire
- A Faire Maiden's Madness
- Adornmynts
- http://www.adornmynts.com
- Age of Chivalry
- http://www.ageofchivalry.com
- Ageless Treasures
- Alys Moggie Catnip's Plush Pets
- http://www.bookuniverseonline.com
- Autumn Creek
- http://www.woodendragons.com
- Awaken Journaling
- http://AwakenJournaling.com
- Barbarian Studio
- Black Cat Jewelry & Gifts
- Black Dragon Merchants
- http://www.artmask.net
- Bronze Lion
- http://www.bronzelion.com
- Brunetta Blacksmithing & Foundry
- http://www.brunettablacksmithing.com
- By Special Request
- Candle Sculptures
- Center Source
- Classic Threads
- http://www.classicthreads.net
- Cloaked In Time
- Compleat Corsetry
- http://mystylings.mysite.com
- Copper Moon Artisans
- Corvallis Harness Goats
- Dancing Gypsy
- Dancing Light Creations
- Dancing Light Ranch
- Don Adams Archery
- http://www.donadamsarchery.com
- Dragonmaker
- http://www.dragonmakeronline.com
- Dragon's Bag
- Enchanted Art & Dolls
- http://www.enchantedartdolls.com
- Fae Built, Inc.
- Faire Fotos
- http://www.fairefotos.com
- Faire Touch Massage
- Fantasy Art by Amy Brown
- http://www.amybrowncollection.com
- Faulkner's Plunder
- Firebird Arts & Music of Oregon, Inc.
- http://firebirdarts.com
- Frigga Green Needle
- Gaean Allusions Pottery
- http://www.gaeanallusions.com
- Goldyn Gryfyn Fyne Goodes
- Grundoon's Shoppe of Baskets
- Hardwick Housewares
- Hemmer Blacksmith & Forged Cutlery
- Hollowtree Enterprises
- Honeystone Candles
- Huzzah! Country Store
- Inn Ye Ol' Sack
- http://happytrailshorsebarn.com
- Jirivil Wood
- Josephine Marie Designs
- Keppol Artistics
- http://keppolartistics.com
- Kilnwerks
- Laughing Dragon
- http://www.hadragon.com
- Lavender Moon
- Legends of Camelot
- Magic Carpet Henna
- Magic Myst Clothing
- http://www.magicmyst.com
- Magical Transformations
- Make Mine Pottery
- http://www.nav.to/makeminepottery
- Mugsy's Celtic Design
- http://mugsysdragons.blogspot.com
- Mystic Rose Ware
- Mystical Dreams
- Oregon Leather Company
- http://www.oregonleatherco.com
- Patsy's Pilferings
- Phantom Creations
- Pillager's Plunder
- Puzzrollrings
- http://puzzrollrings.com
- Raincoast Arts
- Ravenswood Garlands
- Reannag Teine Pottery
- http://www.reannagteine.com
- Redwolf Hammer
- Ruby Moon
- http://www.rubymoon.us
- Secret Dragon Collectibles
- http://www.secretdragoncollectibles.com
- Shadows of Amber
- Shadow's Treasure Chest
- http://www.shadowstreasures.com
- Shaughnessy's
- http://www.shaughnessys.com
- SRF Revelers Heraldry Darts
- SRF Revelers Storm The Castle
- SRF Shire Reaves Foil the French
- http://www.shirereaves.com
- SRF Tinkers Water Dragons Labrynthe
- SRF Tudor Rose Souvenirs
- Swords & Shields, Inc
- Sylvanwoods
- http://webelieveinfairies.com
- The Crooked Woman
- http://www.thecrookedwoman.com
- The Hedge Hog's Hodge-Podge
- http://www.gryfyngarb.com
- The Lord's Creations
- Thormahlen Harps
- http://www.thorharp.com
- Thru The Garden Gate
- Tiffany Toland Illustrations
- http://www.tiffany-toland.com
- Tikka's Moon
- http://tikkasmoon/etsy.com
- Time Traveler
- Two Crones Flasks & Fanceys
- http://www.weplayfaire.com/twocrones
- Unicorn
- http://www.unicornsndragons.com
- Wagon of Wonders
- http://www.wagonofwonders.com
- Wee Did Thizz
- Witch Way The Wind Blows
- Ye Olde Sugar Shack - Shaved Ice
- ZMay Creations
- Gnarly Gnomes
- Great Jesspectations
- Grizzly Gal
- The Milking Stool Lady
- Ali Baba's Tribal Treats
- Axyear Natural Products
- Bedlam Bangers
- http://www.corvallisjaycees.org
- Bella Luna Coffee
- His Majestie's Munchies & Queens Creamery
- Lady Tina's Thighs
- Lovin' Spoonful Catering
- McGilly Sassparilly
- Olde Tyme Kettle Korn
- Papayas (was Noodles Delight)
- Queen's Water Cart
- Scots Sausage & Stag
- Shrew & Thistle - Ale Stand
- Vijay's Little India
- Waterhound Celtic Foods
- Ye Olde Pickle Puss
- Ye Olde Sweet Shoppe
- Adria The Juggler
- http://www.geocities.com/woofnahs
- Arthur, King of the Britains
- Beyond Words MIME
- http://www.beyondwordsmime.com
- Cabbages & Kings With Gaffer Applewright
- Clan McKinnon Piper
- David Jones
- Firelight Stories
- Imperial Knights
- http://www.imperialknights.com
- Jakaro
- http://MadrigalSingers.home.att.net
- Junction City Brass Ensemble
- Mary Grace Celtic Harper
- http://www.marygracecelticharper.com
- Mossyback Morris
- http://www.mossyback.com
- O'Carolan's Consort
- Pearwood Pipers
- Raks Sarama
- http://www.raks-sarama.com
- Salem Madrigal Singers
- Sharon Thormahlen Harpist
- http://thorharp.com
- Sherwood Renaissance Singers
- http://www.sherwood-singers.com
- St Ratswallow's Guild
- Teutonic Order
- Tobias the Adequate
- http://theadequate.com
- Vancouver Madrigal Singers
- http://MadrigalSingers.home.att.net
- BlackSheep Wool Wyrks
- Clan Cwn Annwn
- Guild of Gloriana
- Kitchen Ceilidh
- http://www.enchantedhillsfarm.com
- Mongers
- Pictland
- Royal Hunt Lodge (Greyhound Pets of America)
- Schole of Pleasent Pastymes / Hearth of Saint Brigids
- http://stbrigidshearth.googlepages.com
- SRF Artyfactors Guild
- SRF Bedlam Guild
- http://shrewfaire.com
- SRF Caravansary Stage
- SRF Dancers Rounde Stage
- SRF Greeters
- SRF Mad Stampers Guild
- SRF Main Stage
- SRF Muggers O' Bedlam
- SRF Revelers Guild
- SRF Shire Reaves Guild
- http://www.shirereaves.com
- SRF The Buttery
- SRF Tinkers Guild
- SRF Tourney Stage
- SRF Yr Gwyliad
- Got Rabbits? 4H