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The 10th Annual Shrewsbury Renaissance Faire
- Adornmnynts
- Gems For The Gentry
- http://www.adornmynts.com
- Age of Chivalry
- Arms & Armour
- http://www.ageofchivalry.com
- Alter Egos
- Tribal Dance Bazaar
- Alterwind Music
- Dulcimers & Harps & Psalterys
- Arrow Leather
- Merchants Of Quality Leather Goods
- http://www.localaccess.com/arrow
- Autumn Creek
- Childrenrs Delights
- http://www.woodendragon.com
- Bar A
- Wood Carving & Handmade Pottery
- Barbarian Pottery
- Fyne Slab Work
- Bear Creek
- Electric Dragons
- http://www.bchomemed.pridedealer.com
- Brass Rubbings
- Make Your Own Historic Creation
- Black Cat Jewelry & Gifts
- All Things Celtic
- Blackwolfs Plunder
- Fine Leather Goodes
- http://www.blackwolfsplunder.com
- Bronze Lion
- Fyne Armour
- http://www.bronzelion.com
- Brunetta Blacksmithing
- Knives & Forks & Spoons
- By Special Request
- Art In Silver
- Cloaked In Time
- Renaissance Cover Ups
- Complete Corsetry
- Divers Sundries & Underpinnings
- Copper Goddess
- Wonderous Wire & Wiley Wood
- Dancing Light Ranch
- Wonderful Scents
- Designs By Kate
- Seamstress
- http://www.faireware.com
- Dragons Perch
- Toys for Young & Old
- FireBird Arts & Music
- Books & Bazaar
- http://www.firebirdarts.com
- Fireblood Arms
- Fighters Marketplace
- Forge And Thistle
- Drinking Horns
- Forgotten Times Maps
- Hand Crafted History
- Gaean Allusions
- Perfect Pottery
- http://www.gaeanallusions.com
- Goldyn Griffyn Fyne Goodes
- Wands & Staffs & Baskets
- Grundoons
- Shoppe Of Baskets
- Harp Heaven
- Hand Crafted Instruments
- http://www.thorharp.com
- Historic Trade Company
- Grand Bazaar
- Honeystone Candles
- Come And Meet The Bees
- Laughing Dragon
- Art Of The Woodcarver
- Lavender Moon
- Decorate Thy Body
- Legends Of Camelot
- A Goodlie Bazaar
- http://www.legends-of-camelot.com
- Lignum Artis
- Hand Turned Lovely Wood
- http://www.lignumartis.com
- Macamergin Press
- Custom Struck Coins & Medallions
- http://www.quicksilvermint.com
- Magic Myst
- Costume Rentals & Sales
- Magic Touch
- A Massage For Every Body
- Mayhem Maille
- Chainmail Jewelry
- McGrew Artistry
- Scottish Sewing Patterns
- http://www.scottishpatterns.com
- Medieval Miscellany
- Woodland Woodcrafts
- Medlin Metalsmith
- Celtic Gold
- Mother & Crone
- Eclectic Gifts
- Mystical Dreams
- Natureas Stones
- Mystic Roseware
- Wedding Expressions
- http://www.mysticrose.homestead.com
- One Eye Rhythms
- Drums Drums Drums
- Oregon Leather
- Piles Of Pelts
- Phantom Creations
- Hats Hats Hats
- Pictish Stone Art
- Hand Carved Runes
- Poems In The Knight
- Sweet Words
- Queens Crones
- Presses Posies & Herbs
- http://www.home.earthlink.net/~queenscrones
- Rain Coast Arts
- Hand Woven Goods
- Rampant Lion
- Clay Pipes & Celtic Goodes
- Ravenswood Garlands
- For Every Faire Maiden
- Redwolf LTD
- Hand Cast Pewter
- Renaissance Products
- All Nature Scents & Potions
- Ruby Moon
- Romantic Jewelry For Your Heart's Content
- Rusty Sword
- Arms & Weapons
- http://www.rustyswordproductions.com
- Second City Arts
- Wood & Stone & Leather & Bone
- http://www.secondcityarts.com
- Shadow's Treasure Chest
- Faire Cloaks
- http://www.shadowstreasures.com
- Silver Wolfe Blades
- Bodice Coolers & More
- Spirit Song Flutes
- Individually Crafted
- Starseeds
- Magic In A Grain Of Rice
- http://www.starseedsart.com
- Stone Garden
- Wonderous Woodcrafts
- http://www.stonegarden.us
- Sun In Splendor
- Renaissance Fantasy Bazaar
- Sword & Sigil
- From Gambesons To Patens
- Swords & Shields
- Handcrafted For Young Knights & Damsels
- Taken By The Sky
- Celtic Costuming
- Thorn Of The Rose
- Shoot A Trebuchet
- Time Traveler
- An Array Of Gentlemen's Finery
- Torus
- Leather Works
- Treasure Designs
- Where Mermaids Roam
- http://homepage.mac.com/lorihettman
- Tribal Accents
- Bountiful Baskets
- Tudor Rose
- Souvenires & Faire Rememberences
- Two Crones Pottery
- Flasks & Fancyes
- Von Castle Macfarland
- Renaissance Clothier
- http://www.voncastle.com
- Wee Did Thizz
- Soft Dragons
- Warder's Hoard
- Hand Crafted Chess Sets & Board Games
- Whimsical Wands
- Blowing Bubbles
- Whimsy Fyne Attire
- Clothes To Suit You
- Wilber's Stained Glass
- Beauty In The Sun
- Witches Wardbrobe
- Faire Attire
- http://www.witcheswardrobe.com
- Woodhart
- Ways Of Olde Cloaks
- http://www.woodhart.com
- Wood Wizard
- Roll The Rock!
- Wyle Dog Mercenaries
- Books & Maps
- By Any Other Name
- Wings & Roses
- Fairy Fun
- Wishing Stones
- Heavenly Designs
- Hair Braiding & Bubble Wands
- Olde Tyme Kettle Korn
- At The Joust
- Plush Pets
- Pick One From The Basket
- Princes Of The Court
- Cart Of Toys
- Queen Pretzel
- Hot & Salty
- Queens Water Cart
- Come For A Quenching
- Sunflower Creations
- Hand Woven Willow Baskets
- Ye Olde Pickle Puss
- Crisp & cold
- Bedlam Bangers
- Sausages & Saucy Bread Bowls
- Daybreak
- Elegent Espresso & Funnel Cakes
- Her Majestie's Munchies
- Spanish Fowl & Griffen Scales
- Lovin Spoonful
- Ploughmanos Platters & Joe Froggers
- McGilly Sassparilly
- Home Made
- Millard Family
- Fresh Mushroom Soup
- Noodles Delight
- Honey Glazed Chicken
- Olde Tyme Kettle Korn
- Hot & Sweet
- Queen's Creamery
- Iced Treats & Waffle Cones
- Scots Sausage & Stag
- Haggis & Wild Game Treats
- Shrew & Thistle
- Fyne Meads Ales & Wine
- Vijays
- A Taste Of India
- May Be Found Upon These Stages & Street For Thy Amusement
- Main Stage
- Tourney Stage
- Dancer's Rounde Stage
- Arthur & Patsy
- Clip Clop Through The Village
- Cabbages & Kings
- Little Lectures In History
- Clan McKinnon Piper
- Great Highland Bagpipe
- Firelight Stories
- From Around The World
- Gaffer Applewright
- A AppleAs Journey
- Junction City Brass Ensemble
- Rousing Renaissance Music & Fabulous Fanfares
- Knights Of Avalon
- Bold Knights & Noble Steeds
- Macamergin's Tales
- For Children Of All Ages
- Mary Grace
- Celtic Harp
- Master Benjamin Tosspot
- Lord Mayor
- Minor Miracles
- Magic In The Streets
- Mossyback Morris Men
- Traditional English Dance
- Mud Beggar
- Watch Out for The Rat
- O'Carolan's Consort
- Sweet Hammered Dulcimer
- Odon Soterias
- Music & Mayhem
- www.odonsoterias.com
- Pearwood Pipers
- The Sound Of The Renaissance
- Raks Sarama
- Tribal Dance
- Salem Madrigal Singers
- Come & Sing Along
- Shakespeare Abridged
- A New View Of The Bard
- Sharon Thormahlen
- Heavenly Harp
- Sherwood Renaissance Singers
- Traditional Aires
- Skinners Cornemusers
- Shuttlepipes
- St Ratswallow
- Laughter In the Lanes
- Tobias The Adequate
- Prestidigitator - Montebank - Charlatan
- Knights Of Avalon
- On The Tourney Fyld
- 12:00 pm & 4:00 pm Daily
- Vancouver Madrigal Singers
- Sweet Sounds
- http://MadrigalSingers.home.att.net
- Archers Of Avalon
- Pull The Bow
- Black Sheep Games
- Frog Pond & Bowling & More
- Black Sheep Wool Wyrks
- History Of Spinning
- Clan Cwn Annwn
- Celtic Brigands
- Storytelling & Dancing
- Corvallis Harness Goats
- Come Take A Ride
- Foil The French
- Save The Princess In The Tower
- Guild Of Gloriana
- Nobles Of The Court
- Heraldry Darts
- Make Your Mark
- Junior Jousting & Sword Play
- Come Test Your Skill
- http://www.ecs-terranorte.org
- Kitchen Ceilidh
- Come For A Lesson In Gaelic
- Merry Band Of Wenches
- Come Rate Your Mate!
- Mongers
- Secrets Of The Artisans Forge
- Royal Coursing Hounds
- Greyhounds In The Queens Mews
- Storm The Castle
- Fire Your Trebuchet
- Sunrise Castle Maze
- Discover The Secrets
- Artyfactors
- Wattle & Daub & String
- A Shrewsbury Guild
- Barely Mow Inn & Buttery
- Village Folke Gather Here
- A Shrewsbury Guild
- Compagnie Of Goode Greeters
- Offer The World's Smallest Costume
- A Shrewsbury Guild
- Cymry Glyn
- Welsh Equestrians
- A Shrewsbury Guild
- Lord Chamberlain's
- Noble Compagnie
- A Shrewsbury Guild
- Mad Stampers
- Front Gate Frenzy
- A Shrewsbury Guild
- Revelers
- The Haven For Buskers
- A Shrewsbury Guild
- Shire Reaves
- Keeping Her Majesty's Peace
- A Shrewsbury Guild
- The Priory
- Weddings & Private Celebrations
- A Shrewsbury Guild
- Yr Gwyliad
- Welsh Freedom Fighters
- Bedlam
- Behind The Curtain
- Muggers O'Bedlam
- Villager's Aide
- Shrewsbury Hands On History
- Educational Outreach
- Shrewsbury Press
- Gutenberg's Traditions