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The 19th Annual Shrewsbury Renaissance Faire
- Ageless Treasures
- Black Dragon & Sapphire Dragon Merchants
- http://www.artmask.net
- Brunetta Blacksmithing & Foundry
- http://www.brunettablacksmithing.com
- Carbony Celtic Winds
- http://www.corbony.com
- Celtic Connection, The
- http://www.wicca.com
- Cloaked In Time
- Cock 'n' Bow Archery Range
- http://www.longbowarchery.weebly.com
- Compleat Corsetry
- http://www.etsy.com/shop/greenfairygrotto
- Corvallis Harness Goats
- Costume Mistress, The
- Damsel In This Dress
- http://www.damseldress.com
- Dancing Light Ranch
- Dark Age Outfitters
- http://www.etsy.com/shop/ThePurpleThistleShop
- Faery Face Art
- http://www.flickr.com/photos/wrensgallery/sets
- Fecund Earth Pottery
- Founding Mothers
- http://foundingmotherssoap.com
- Frigga Green Needle
- Gaean Allusions Pottery
- http://www.gaeanallusions.com
- Goldyn Gryfyn Fyne Goodes
- Great Jesspectations
- http://www.greatjesspectations.com
- Green Wolf, The
- http://www.thegreenwolf.com
- Griffon Lady's
- http://www.griffon-lady.deviantart.com/gallery
- Hedgehog's Hodge-Podge
- http://www.etsy.com/shop/TaransBobbinWeave
- Honeystone Candles
- http://www.honeystonecandles.com
- Jesterbells
- Legends of Camelot (SteelCraft)
- Make Mine Pottery
- http://www.makeminepottery.weebly.com
- Mystic Rose Ware
- Noteworthy/Smallharps.com
- http://www.smallharps.com
- Occams Edge
- http://www.occamsedge.biz
- Olde Towne Smithy
- http://www.oldetownsmithy.com
- Patsy's Pilferings
- Portland Fortune Tellers
- http://theguidingtree.com portlandfortunetellers.com www.
- Powder River Artisans Guild
- Privateers 4 Kids
- http://www.Privateers4Kids.org
- Puzzroll Rings & Banfiligirl Textiles
- http://www.RollingRings.com
- Raincoast Arts
- Redwolf Hammer
- http://www.redwolfltd.com
- Revell's of Three Cross
- Ruby Moon
- http://www.rubymoon.us
- Secret Dragon Collectibles
- http://www.secretdragoncollectibles.com
- Shadows of Amber
- Sher-Leas
- Short Brush, The
- http://www.facebook.com/theshortbrush
- Shrewsbury Stocks er sumtin
- Silver Tide Jewelry
- http://www.silvertideonline.com
- SRF Artyfactors Water Dragon Maze
- SRF Revelers Heraldry Darts
- SRF Revelers Storm The Castle
- SRF Tudor Rose Souvenirs
- Turino Metals
- http://www.facebook.com/turinometals
- Water's Edge Studio
- http://www.megbjones.com
- Wee Did Thizz
- Whimsy Fyne Attire
- Winter Spring Farm
- http://www.winterspringsff.com
- Woodforge, The
- ZMay Creations
- Dragon Pets
- http://www.vanzeemagic.com
- English Historical Fiction Authors
- http://www.englishhistoryauthors.blogspot.com
- Grundoon's Shoppe of Baskets
- http://www.grundoons.com/
- Laughing Dragon
- http://www.hadragon.com
- SRF Dragon Tamers (Parking & Trash)
- Sunset Springs Ranch
- Ali Baba's Tribal Treats
- Bedlam Bangers
- http://www.corvallisjaycees.org
- Friends of the Queen Wandering Water Cart
- His Magesty's Munchies & The Queen's Creamery
- Island Treats / Hawaiian Delights
- Lady Tina's Thighs DBA: Terrell's Texas BBQ
- Noodles Delight / Doug's Place, Inc
- Oberon's At The Staggering Oak Tavern
- http://www.oberonstavern.com
- Oberon's Tavern at the Lysts
- Olde Tyme Kettle Korn
- http://www.facebook.com/oldetymekettlekorn
- Rogue Rootbeer & Sausage
- Taste of Holland
- Two Ladies Bakin'
- A Mid Summer's Night Theme
- http://facebook.com/LollysCastle
- Adria The Juggler
- http://www.adriathejuggler.com
- Bardy Boys
- http://www.bowiband.com
- EM Cirque
- http://www.emcirque.com
- Epona Equestrian Team
- http://https://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Epona-Equestrian
- Figs & Thistles Recorder Ensemble
- Firelight Stories
- http://www.firelightstories.com
- Janet Naylor, Harper
- http://www.janetnaylor.com
- Lavender
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bhoyV7WGfoo
- No Parchment Needed
- http://www.facebook.com/NoParchmentNeeded
- Our Queene's Delight (Albany Youth Orchestra)
- http://albanystrings.org
- Pearwood Pipers
- Piper Tom
- http://www.pipertom.com
- Raks Sarif
- Sherwood Renaissance Singers
- http://www.sherwood-singers.com
- SRF Rat Catchers, The
- http://www.facebook.com/TheRatCatchers
- St Ratswallow's Guild
- Universe According to Galileo, The
- Academia Duellatoria
- http://Duellatoria.com
- BlackSheep Wool Wyrks
- BOOM Pirates
- http://www.boompirates.com
- Clan Cwn Annwn
- Guild of Gloriana
- Kitchen Ceilidh
- http://www.kitchenceilidh.com
- Mongers
- Pictland
- http://Pictland (Facebook)
- SCA - Barony of Adiantum et al
- Scot's Clan
- SRF Artyfactors Guild
- SRF Bedlam Guild
- http://www.shrewfaire.com
- SRF Buttery in the Barley Mow
- SRF Greeters
- SRF Mad Stampers Guild
- http://www.shrewfaire.com
- SRF Muggers O' Bedlam
- SRF Priory & Wedding Bower
- SRF Revelers Guild
- SRF Shire Reaves
- http://www.shirereaves.com
- SRF Stage: Dancers Rounde
- SRF Stage: Main Stage
- SRF Stage: Tourney
- SRF Yr Gwyliad
- All Around Treasures
- Dracowiz Designs
- SRF Photographer's Guild
- SRF STAGE: Friar Tuck's Forest Stage